Nicholas Nickleby - The Musical
A new musical based on "The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby" by Charles Dickens
Music, lyrics and libretto by Tim Brewster
Latest News
There may be a community production of Nicholas Nickleby the Musical in the Autumn of 2018 in Turvey, Bedfordshire. This would be to help raise funds for Turvey Pre-school Playgroup, which has until the end of 2018 to raise £90k in order to buy the freehold of the building they use. Lots still needs to be organised to make this production happen, but watch this space!
World Premiere Performance
The world premiere performance was staged by the Bedford Marianettes, 23rd to 27th October 2012, at The Place, Bedford. This was professionally filmed, and the DVD of the show is now available. Please contact us for details.